Wim Hof Method
Practice Wim Hof method Fundamentals
42 Lessons
Length 11:44:59
Beginner level
42 Lessons
Length 11:44:59
Beginner level
  • 10 clases temáticas en grupo en video
  • Clases profesionales de estiramientos de yoga
  • Sesiones de audio guiadas cara a cara (en inglés)
  • Tareas para casa
  • Cuaderno de trabajo
  • Integración completa en la aplicación móvil


Aprenda el Método Wim Hof ​​en el contexto de la vida cotidiana, a través de una serie de temas semanales.

El curso Fundamentos es un curso online que te enseña el Método Wim Hof a través de una serie de videos instructivos divertidos y fáciles. Wim Hof te enseña el poder de la respiración y el frío, guiándote en cada paso del camino natural hacia la fuerza, la salud y la felicidad.

Cada semana comienza con una lección grupal centrada en un tema semanal en el que el Método Wim Hof puede impactar positivamente en tu vida. La yogui certificada Mariken te dará una serie de ejercicios de estiramiento, antes de que Wim te lleve a través de las técnicas. Después podrás reforzar tu práctica con tareas, videos adicionales y un cuaderno de trabajo para registrar tu progreso.

Un nuevo video se desbloquea cada semana y permanece disponible indefinidamente, por lo que puedes usar el tiempo que necesites para completar el curso y volver a visitar el material con la frecuencia que desees.

A medida que avanzas en el curso, desarrollarás una práctica consistente que podrás mantener por tu cuenta cuando el curso haya finalizado.

El curso también viene con 10 sesiones de respiración guiadas cara a cara, a las que se accede a través de la aplicación móvil Método Wim Hof (en inglés), para que puedas llevar tu práctica a cualquier parte.

¡Comienza hoy mismo tu viaje con el método Wim Hof!


3 Lessons
Introducción al método Wim Hof
Video de seguridad
Vamos profundo
3 Lessons
Vamos profundo — Clases en grupo
Vamos profundo — Deberes
Vamos profundo — Estiramientos
Control del estrés
3 Lessons
Control del estrés — Clases en grupo
Control del estrés — Deberes
Control del estrés — Estiramientos
Control de la energía
3 Lessons
Control de la energía — Clases en grupo
Control de la energía — Deberes
Control de la energía — Estiramientos
3 Lessons
Inflamación — Clases en grupo
Inflamación — Deberes
Inflamación — Estiramientos
3 Lessons
Resistencia — Clases en grupo
Resistencia — Deberes
Resistencia — Estiramientos
3 Lessons
Longevidad — Clases en grupo
Longevidad — Deberes
Longevidad — Estiramientos
Bajo presión
3 Lessons
Bajo presión — Clases en grupo
Bajo presión — Deberes
Bajo presión — Estiramientos
3 Lessons
Espiritualidad — Clases en grupo
Espiritualidad — Deberes
Espiritualidad — Estiramientos
3 Lessons
Creatividad — Clases en grupo
Creatividad — Deberes
Creatividad — Estiramientos
La aventura de la vida
3 Lessons
La aventura de la vida — Clases en grupo
La aventura de la vida — Deberes
La aventura de la vida — Estiramientos
1 Lessons
Muchas gracias y enhorabuena
2 Lessons
Respiración guiada del método Wim Hof ​​para principiantes (ritmo lento de 3 rondas)
El poder de la respiración por Wim Hof | Duplica tus flexiones en solo 4 minutos
Animaciones Educativas
4 Lessons
Motivación y experiencias de los practicantes del método Wim Hof [EN]
Método Wim Hof sobre enfermedades autoinmunes | Resultados de la investigación científica [EN]
Influir en el sistema inmunológico | Ciencia del método Wim Hof [EN]
Método Wim Hof | Estudio de Michigan "Cerebro sobre cuerpo" [EN]
2 Lessons
El mundo sobrehumano de Wim Hof: El Hombre de Hielo [EN]
Yes Theory: Convertirse en sobrehumano con el hombre de hielo - Wim Hof [EN]

Esto es lo que dicen otros

Tineke, Testimonial Wim Hof
Tineke, The Netherlands
I have severe arthritis in my left hip. By implementing the Wim Hof Method in my daily life, I can deal with this without getting surgery. I love Wim’s purity. His coaching inspires me and gives me energy. I’m almost 66 years old and by practicing the Wim Hof Method I feel much more...
Albert, Testimonial Wim Hof
Albert, The Netherlands
For 12 years now I have had rheumatism. Thanks to the Wim Hof Method I have been able to halve the amount of anti-inflammatory drugs. My goal is to completely stop the use of anti-inflammatory drugs after finishing the video course.
Aivar, Testimonial Wim Hof
Aivar, Estonia
I am 52 years old, and after 10 weeks of the Wim Hof Method I am in the best shape I have ever been. I did 30 push-ups as a test before I started the course, and when I finished I did 100 push-ups for the first time in my life. The Wim Hof Method gives you a good mood, it’s addictive!
Monic, Testimonial Wim Hof
Monic, The Netherlands
It’s only been 4 weeks since I started, but the results are remarkable! Thank you from the heart for changing my life, my health, and my understanding about my own power and the influence I have on this. I’m looking forward to a nice cold winter in the Netherlands.
Mino, Testimonial Wim Hof
Mino, Germany
Learning Wim’s method is like studying from one of nature’s best students. My life long fear of cold is history. I now fully enjoy cold immersions, but the benefits are not limited to cold. I am now a better person and a happier being. I smile when facing life challenges.
Gregor Testimonial Wim Hof
After 8 months of daily Hoffing, puffing and cold showers I can claim to be cured of my 5 year burnout. Not having had a single cold or flu, my sore knee is working perfectly again, which was very painful the last 2 years. It is like a miracle, and I’m really grateful that our paths crossed.
Franco, Testimonial Wim Hof
Franco, USA
Wim I hope to train with you someday. I love to jump into that cold water and climb that mountain with you. Your method has truly helped me with psoriatic arthritis. I am no longer taking Humira injections for my symptoms. I am controlling it with breathing, cold showers and ice baths.
Matthew, Testimonial Wim Hof
Matthew, Australia
I would have paid $10,000 for this, but that would not be enough because this has changed my life. I feel like I have taken Valium yet am supercharged. As a clinical psychologist my days can be very stressful. There is a stillness inside me now, and what I am really amazed by is the peace lasts.
Per Kristian, Testimonial Wim Hof
Per Kristian, United Kingdom
After 3 weeks of daily practicing my medication (Naproxen) for long-standing sciatica has been cut by 80%, and my arm pain and 'pins and needles' following a neck injury 50 years ago has been halved!
Arthur, Testimonial Wim Hof
Arthur, USA
I got anxiety 2+ years ago, and have had panic attacks every day since. Medicine helped a little. I came across your videos and started to walk my 2 miles a day in only a t-shirt at 20F degrees. Within 2 weeks my anxiety went away! I found it to be a miracle.
James, Testimonial Wim Hof
James, USA
I’ve had astonishing results battling addiction with the Wim Hof Method. It has saved my life and is the only thing that worked on getting clean and healthy. I go ahead and get my suffering over with in the cold showers, so I don't have to suffer throughout the day. Pretty good trade to...
Georg, Testimonial Wim Hof
Georg, Germany
Cardiac and respiratory arrest began my life. Heart defect and cleft palate pushed diseases. Depression, lack of self-efficacy, and post traumatic stress disorder followed. The Wim Hof Method frees me: I am twenty-nine years old, and I love to live. Thank you!
Grant, Testimonial Wim Hof
Grant, Australia
I was born with Spina Bifida, and was told I would end up in a wheelchair. After incorporating the Wim Hof Method into my daily life I have begun to see results in my pain levels and athleticism. I am no longer looking down the barrel of becoming a paraplegic, and I attribute that in part to the...
Raúl, Testimonial Wim Hof
Raúl, The Netherlands
From the 90s to 2012 I developed hayfever symptoms and had to take daily medications in order to cope. The effect of these medications only lasted for several hours. By using the Wim Hof Method training daily, my body has conquered hayfever symptoms since 2013.
Benjamin Testimonial Wim Hof
I started the Wim Hof method in October of 2018, and now the holes I had in my brain are gone. My neurosurgeon was so impressed by the scans that he told me I don't have to come back anymore. I take this as proof that this method works to regenerate brain tissue.